So as you know, I have been working on a Fall 2009 mini-book for awhile now and finally got around to taking a few photos! Here is just a sampling of what I've been up to. There are MANY more pages to follow! In fact, last night I was showing John what I had been working on and he told me it's not going to be a mini-book, it's going to be a freakin' MEGA-book! What a wise old owl he is. HA!

Additionally, I was so psyched to find these two silver trays at the Goodwill, aka "The Willy" according to John's family. They are just bursting at the seams with the killer one-liners these days, I'm tellin' ya. Haha! Anyways, I took one look at these fabulous trays and snatched them up immediately, for a grand total of...$1.98! SOLD! They make perfect holders for my various scrapping embellishments!
Oh, how I love other people's discarded possessions...

Finally, I just have to show you how ridiculous California weather is. The above photo was taken on Wednesday, after the most amazing rainstorm (or heavy drizzle, to be completely honest).
Gorgeous, right? I was really digging the Fall vibes and the coziness of it all. But then...

I go outside to take photos on Thursday morning around 9 AM, and what do you know, it's already
90 freakin degrees out! Oh, what I would give for a cold spell of low 70's. Maybe a week of rain? Maybe some cumulus clouds every once again to remind me that it's almost November? Lest, dreams be dreams...