So, my fabulously stylish friend Janelle recently sent me this link to the most
amazing DIY site! It's called
P.S. I Made This and it is packed with so many great ideas!

I am especially loving this recent post about making faux-milk glass out of glass jars, puffy paint, and spray paint! Holy cow, how did they know that I would love this? It's funny because I have a hard time parting with empty glass jars; there's just something about their inherent beauty that prompts me to salvage them from the recycling bin week after week. Now I have an excellent reason! Haha. Plus, I LOVE to spray paint. What's not to love about instant gratification
and saving a ton of money?

I'm telling you, this blog is GORGEOUS! Such amazing ideas broken down into easy steps that anyone could do - just genius.

In fact, Janelle and I have plans to make faux-fur vests similar to these in the very near future! How very Rachel Zoe of us...hahaha :)
this stuff is so cool and looks easy!! awesome, thank you!